
20 Simple Tips..

.. for the perfect date

Another great article taken from the mens health site that I wanted to write some comments about..

1. It's okay to suggest a drink instead of dinner for a first date. She dreads a boring four-course ordeal, too.

2. Call her by early evening on Monday to confirm a Tuesday get-together. (Weekends aren't for first dates.)
YES, weekends are for my friends!

4. If you want to keep the plans a surprise, at least clue her in as to what to wear. You do not want an overdressed, overstressed woman navigating the Talladega pits in high heels
TOTALLY! guys are always like, oh you can wear whatever, but hello.. if you're going bowling you need socks, if you're going to be outside you may wear a heavier sweater or jacket... its important!

5. Yes, she'll notice if the date location you've chosen is conveniently around the block from your place.
YES, be a gentleman.

6. Don't assume that just because you're out with a beautiful woman, she knows how pretty she looks -- she wants to hear it from you.
Everyone loves a compliment..

8. Men judge women according to whether they can picture having sex with them; women judge men by whether they can imagine kissing them. White teeth, fresh breath, and unchapped lips make her more apt to pucker up.
Probably the biggest turn off ever, bad breath. and Don't smoke, carry gum.

12. If she touches your arm, she's interested; if she touches your leg, she's interested tonight.
and prob a sloot.

14. Very small protective gestures go a long way and show her you're a gentleman: Offer your arm as she's stepping from a curb, direct her away from shards of broken glass aka Say Anything. She'll notice if you wait until she's safely in her car or house before you leave. Wait the extra 90 seconds, and next time you might be going in with her.
AND open doors, all doors. Believe me, she will notice.

15. She expects you to know her eye color after the first date.

17. She knows that when you invite her over for a homemade meal or to watch a movie, it's code for "tonight is hook-up night." Don't play this card any earlier than date three.

18. A Friday or Saturday night is required by date four. Otherwise, she'll wonder who else you're seeing.
But not the first couple of times you see her.

19. Rule of Groping: If anything happens that couldn't be shown on prime-time TV, call her the next day. Otherwise, she'll feel cheap and used.

20. Don't say, "I'll call you," if you have no intention to. She'd prefer that you say nothing at all.
Just do what you say, its not that hard is it..

50 Things...

.. she wishes you knew taken from this Mens Health article

I came across this article, and I thought it was pretty interesting.. I wanted to have some comments, some of them are seriously dead on, like..

3. I will leave if you lie. (definitely)

4. You are cute in raglan-sleeved T-shirts (two-toned baseball undershirts). (LOVE it, prob my favorite shirt ever)

5. I'm convinced I'm pregnant and obsess about it for a minimum of 24 to 48 hours before my period, even when I have no rational reason to think so.

6. I love it when you hug me from behind and whisper in my ear. (totally)

7. "Fine" is never an appropriate response when I ask you how I look.

13. I'm scared of losing my independence. (I love my independence, prob more than you do)

14. I'm more forgiving of you than I really should be.

18. Shoes determine whether you're fashionable or not. (shoes are everything, yes everything)

20. When I compare my flabby tummy to a kangaroo pouch, say nothing.

21. A man I love plans the occasional fancy-schmancy dress-up date and impromptu weekend getaways, and he buys my favorite candy in advance when we're just going to the movies. (this doesnt have to be elaborate, but seriously its not hard to make a reservation and make plans for the evening, check out opentable)

22. You look hot in hooded clothing items.

23. You should never tell me what to do. (ever)

24. If I slept over, you owe me breakfast.

27. I'm very impressed when you ask for my advice. (and more so if you actually take it)

29. When in doubt, go with the shirt that matches your eye color. (bonus points if you have blue eyes)

33. You're sexy when you're shaving, fixing things, wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, driving, eating a peach, holding a baby. (you don't have to try)

36. I want to be the best thing that ever happened to you--and for you to recognize this. (and tell me so)

37. If I'm not feeling loved, I will start looking....

38. Discussion of ex-gf's and ex-bf's should be avoided at all times. (so don't ask me about them)

43. A lady should always be greeted with kisses.

47. It's cheating as soon as you're doing something with her that you wouldn't want me to see, hear, read...

48. For the record: I'd rather you break up with me than cheat.

49. I remember everything about our relationship. (for the most part)

50. You should know all this and more without my telling you.

Thats not so hard is it..


The Loft

I saw Cary Brothers for the second time tonight, at the loft. It was a great show, very intimate venue small crowd. It was fabulous.

The Perfect Man..

..is there really such a thing, prob not but I can dream right :)

The real truth to why I am even going to begin to try and describe my "perfect" idea of a guy is because one of my friends sent me his list of his "perfect" girl and he insisted on me having a response.. so here goes.. (in no particular order)

-great smile
-ability to make me laugh at any time
-if im in a bad mood, he's gotta be able to cheer me up (really this prob sounds a lot harder than it actually is, a hug usually works)
-able to handle my busy lifestyle (lets face it, im not around much I can't be with someone who needs me every second)
-nice guy (nice guys don't always finish last, I personally HATE jerks)
-athletic (it really bothers me when a guy can't just play catch)
-silly and serious (there's a time and place for everything)
-has his own interests, and not just like everything that I like
-has his own friends
-appreciates the little things (we all know its really the little things that matter)
-able to have fun with me out and about or watching youtube on my couch
-doesn't smoke
-open doors (yes, i'm old fashioned)
-confident, notice i did not say cocky
-be a friend (don't you want your 'man' to be your best friend)
-great eyes
-able to hold his end of the conversation
-financially stable
-get along with with my friends and family
-acts the same around everyone
-not jealous, been there done that (to me, this does not prove that you care, to me this means you are not confident being with me)
-independent (needy guys get on my nerves)
-able to cook (and clean :) I said perfect right.. )
-goal oriented (he's gotta know what he wants and actually go for it)
-want to learn
-likes to travel
-good to his mama (they always say a guy will treat you like he treats his mama)
-handy (fixing things)
-good with kids
-and wants at least one of his own
-can iron (I almost cut my finger off ironing, I'm not a fan)
-good dresser
-likes to try new things (restaurants, whatever)
-makes me happy
-agree to sometimes watch a chick flick (not always, but sometimes)
-keeps his promises
-quick witted
-competitive (he's gotta be able to keep up with me)
-no stalker tendencies
-appreciates me
-likes christmas (yep, im a christmas nerd, i love christmas songs and lights, and decorations)

this seems like a pretty long list, and it changes as i grow older, i think it actually gets longer as i get older, but I guess the older i am the more i know what i actually want, whats really important to me, and i dont settle for anything else, so why this...

really, i think most people are going to have pretty similar responses, but i guess everyone has their own personal flair that they throw into the mix.. and who knows.. maybe he's out there..



Growing up is hard to do

It seems like things just keep getting harder. Decisions actually seem to affect more stuff, I have a mortgage to pay, bills that I can't get behind on, and its important for me to be a role model. Growing up is a lot harder than I ever thought. I don't like it. Sometimes I just wish I was a kid again, but other times not. There are "adult" things I really like, but there may be more things I really don't.


OK GO.. again.

This one is good too..

I think these guys are awesome dancers!


This is prob the best video of all time.. how fun.



So, as you know we are in the worst drought in Georgia history.. One of my friends had this idea, if everyone peed outside once a day that would save a lot of water. Check out his site: peeoutside.org

Go sign up and help save some water!



I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving! Time flies when you get old. It sucks. I guess you just don't have time to sit around and do nothing so it seems like it goes by faster. weird.

I think I'm actually going to cook some stuff to take to the family thanksgiving this year. I guess thats how you know you're growing up, actually making something for the lunch instead of just chowing down on all the food that all my great aunts and my mom cooks. Growing up sucks, i want to be young again.


Dork on.

I have a degree in Computer Science and a minor in math, that qualifies me as a full dork. So, for a job I figured might as well make some use of my degree doing a sales position really letting all my skills of programming, yuck, go to waste.

I haven't really decided what I want to do with my life, who ever knows really? So people ask, why did you get the degree if you didn't want to be a programmer? Well, what else was I going to major in.. I know, bad answer.

The real answer: I started my college adventure as a pre-med Biology major, with hopes of becoming a Pediatrician or a Pediatric PA but with me missing so many classes because of ball and my studying allergies I decided it was in my best interest to change my major. So I did, to computer science. Really, that stuff just kinda comes natural to me. Why the math minor? Well as stupid as this sounds, as I was getting deeper into my CS classes, I really enjoyed the harder math topics. So why not take the extra one class and be able to brag about having a math minor.

If i could go back i can't say if i would change my degree or not. i really think i would have enjoyed working with kids, and it would be tons easier to get a job. but i don't have time to play the what if game. i'm happy, really thats all that matters to me.

let the geek return.



Saturday I went to see Sevendust at the Tabernacle, expecting a really rockin' show and I gotta say I left a little disappointed. I'm not saying it wasn't a good show. They sounded great, but I just didn't get that "rock concert" feeling. It was the last show of their tour, and they just seemed a little tired.

What do I mean but the "rock concert" feeling?
I mean, people moshing, fighting, the normal craziness that you have to kinda watch your back for. Seems like that would be a good thing right? I know. But its still just part of really feeling like you're at one of those out of control rock concerts. And the crowd was kinda small, maybe since the GA/Auburn game was on earlier. But still...

rock out.


Perfectly Stated

"I've found almost everything ever written about love to be true. Shakespeare said "Journeys end in lovers meeting." What an extraordinary thought. Personally, I have not experienced anything remotely close to that, but I am more than willing to believe Shakespeare had. I suppose I think about love more than anyone really should. I am constantly amazed by its sheer power to alter and define our lives. It was Shakespeare who also said "love is blind". Now that is something I know to be true. For some quite inexplicably, love fades; for others love is simply lost. But then of course love can also be found, even if just for the night. And then, there's another kind of love: the cruelest kind. The one that almost kills its victims. Its called unrequited love. Of that I am an expert. Most love stories are about people who fall in love with each other. But what about the rest of us? What about our stories, those of us who fall in love alone? We are the victims of the one sided affair. We are the cursed of the loved ones. We are the unloved ones, the walking wounded. The handicapped without the advantage of a great parking space!" --the Holiday

Last night I watched the Holiday, and it started out with this quote, which I am now in love with.
